Google updated the Android versions distribution charts and confirmed that the second Gingerbread release (covering versions 2.3.3-2.3.7) is now in the lead. 43.9% of all droids are now running on Gingerbread, which turned out enough for the platform to surpass the previous leader, Froyo.

Way past its peak, Android 2.2 Froyo continues to lose ground as most of the handsets that used to run it are getting Gingerbread updates and there are barely any new devices with Froyo out of the box available on the market.

Far behind, Android 2.1 Eclair is now powering 10.7% of the droids out there, losing one percent point of its market share over the past month. The stubborn Android 1.5 Cupcake and 1.6 Donut still refuse to get off the Android map, but at least now they only account for just 2.3% of the Android smartphones out there.

      <p><strong> </strong></p> 

      <p align="center"><strong>Market Share, September</strong></p> 

      <p align="center"><strong>Market Share, October</strong></p> 

      <p align="center"><strong>Change</strong></p> 

      <p><b>1.5 Cupcake</b></p> 

      <p align="right">1.1%</p> 

      <p align="right">0.9%</p> 

      <p align="right"><span style="color: red">&#9660;</span>0.2</p> 

      <p><b>1.6 Donut</b></p> 

      <p align="right">1.4%</p> 

      <p align="right">1.4%</p> 

      <p align="right">0.0</p> 

      <p><b>2.1 Eclair</b></p> 

      <p align="right">11.7%</p> 

      <p align="right">10.7%</p> 

      <p align="right"><span style="color: red">&#9660;</span>1.0</p> 

      <p><b>2.2 Froyo</b></p> 

      <p align="right">45.3%</p> 

      <p align="right">40.7%</p> 

      <p align="right"><span style="color: red">&#9660;</span>4.6</p> 

      <p><b>2.3 Gingerbread</b></p> 

      <p align="right">0.5%</p> 

      <p align="right">0.5%</p> 

      <p align="right">0.0</p> 

      <p><b>2.3.3 Gingerbread</b></p> 

      <p align="right">38.2%</p> 

      <p align="right">43.9%</p> 

      <p align="right"><span style="color: #00F40B">&#9650;</span>5.7</p> 

      <p><b>3.0 Honeycomb</b></p> 

      <p align="right">0.2%</p> 

      <p align="right">0.1%</p> 

      <p align="right"><span style="color: red">&#9660;</span>0.1</p> 

      <b>3.1 Honeycomb</b></p> 

      <p align="right">0.9%</p> 

      <p align="right">0.9%</p> 

      <p align="right">0.0</p> 

      <b>3.2 Honeycomb</b></p> 

      <p align="right">0.7%</p> 

      <p align="right">0.9%</p> 

      <p align="right"><span style="color: #00F40B">&#9650;</span>0.2</p> 

In the tablet world Honeycomb continues its slow growth, its three versions now running on 1.9% of the Android devices. The good news there is that the 3.0 release, which felt more like a beta version is only responsible for 0.1% of the market share and it should be completely gone really soon.

Naturally, Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich isn't present in the charts yet, as the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is yet to hit the shelves.
