After months of rumors and a few teasers, Xiaomi is ready to announce its Mix Fold 3 on Monday, August 14. The device will be introduced by Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun who will also hold his annual talk event which starts at 7PM Beijing time (11AM UTC). Xiaomi is aiming to deliver an “all-around flagship without shortcomings” as per Lei Jun and the marketing poster describes the device as “defining a new standard for foldable display”.
Xiaomi Mix Fold 3 launch event poster
In a separate post on Weibo, Lei Jun detailed the Mix Fold 3’s development process which required Xiaomi engineers to reconstruct the device structure and its folding screen. Xiaomi also shared an official teaser video that highlights the Mix Fold 3's revised design.
There are also hints of an entirely new hinge mechanism. The teaser poster shows the four Leica-tuned cameras on the back of the Mix Fold 3 which will in fact sport Leica branding and a periscope lens.
Xiaomi Mix Fold 3 design
Sadly, rumors suggest that the Mix Fold 3 is expected to remain exclusive to China and won’t see an international rollout.