Xiaomi has launched its entry level Redmi 4A smartphone in India. The phone is being launched at a cutthroat pricing of INR 5,999 ($91), which undercuts many of its rivals.

The Redmi 4A has a 5.0-inch 720p display, Snapdragon 425 processor, 2GB RAM, 16GB expandable storage, 4G dual SIM support with VoLTE, 13 megapixel rear camera with f2.2 aperture, 5 megapixel front camera, IR blaster, 3120mAh battery and MIUI 8 with certain India specific features. The phone will be manufactured locally in India.

The phone will be sold in three colors, Dark Gray, Gold, and Rose Gold and will be available exclusively on Mi.com and Amazon India starting 12 noon on March 23, 2017.
