A new report sheds first light on the Google Pixel Watch 2, which is due in the Fall alongside the Pixel 8 series. Per this report, Google's second-gen smartwatch will make the move from Samsung's Exynos chipset to the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon W5 generation.
Whether it's the Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 or the Snapdragon W5+ Gen 1, we're looking at a 4nm chip with four Cortex-A53 cores - a significant improvement to the Pixel Watch's 10nm Exynos 9110, which has just two Cortex-A53 cores. The W5+ has a special co-processor for a more efficient Always-On display and other features.
The spec bump should provide the Pixel Watch 2 with a healthy improvement in battery life over its predecessor. Though it's important to note that Samsung's wearable chips are competitive with the 5nm W920 chip in the Galaxy Watch4 generation, and the rumored W980 that will premiere on the Galaxy Watch 6.
The other major improvement, per the report, is the addition of the specialized health sensors from the Fitbit Sense 2 - a continuous electrodermal activity (cEDA) sensor for stress tracking, and a skin temperature sensor.