Xiaomi is launching the Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus on December 7, but the devices were already listed on the retailer’s website AliExpress. The seller named “Xiaomi Online Store” offers the regular version for $199 in Black or Gold and $209 in Blue or Pink.

The Plus variant is listed for $249 and once again the Blue and Pink versions are $10 more expensive.

Xiaomi Redmi 5 and Redmi 5 Plus pricing appears on Aliexpress

Although the seller’s connection with the actual company Xiaomi looks sketchy, the prices are in the ballpark of the expected ones. There is a disclaimer that the phone is still in “pre-sale” stage, meaning not all specs are final.

We already know the phone will have a FullView display with 18:9 ratio and three different RAM + storage combos - 2 GB/16 GB, 3 GB/32 GB and 4 GB/64 GB. The camera on the back will be 12 MP, while the front one will come with a 5 MP sensor.

Shoutout to David Xie for the tip!

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