Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Fold back in February but later decided to cancel the release as the smartphone had its fair share of durability issues. The company reintroduced the Galaxy Fold earlier last month with an improved design, and a teardown by the folks over at iFixit gives us a closer look at what exactly Samsung changed with the new Fold.
<img class="inline-image" width="727" height="484" src="/uploadfile/2024/1226/20241226082550672.jpg" alt="Galaxy Fold"s iFixit teardown shows what changes Samsung made">
For starters, Samsung closed the gaps on either side of the display with a protective cover to prevent dust and other particles from getting inside. The company also covered the hinges on the inside with tape to keep dirt away from the display.
The Galaxy Fold also comes with an extra protective layer of metal to further reinforce the display. And, the screen protector is now extended all the way to the edges of the display so you don't feel tempted to peel it off as some reviewers did with the older version of the Fold.
<img class="inline-image" width="727" height="530" src="/uploadfile/2024/1226/20241226082551979.jpg" alt="Galaxy Fold"s iFixit teardown shows what changes Samsung made">
Even with all those changes, the Samsung Galaxy Fold is still a fragile device, and more importantly, it's quite difficult to repair as the smartphone received a repairability score of 2 out of 10 from iFixit.
You can head over to the source link below for more details.