The Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro earphones were introduced in January 2021 in three Phantom colors - Silver, Violet, and Black, to match the Galaxy S21 flagships' palette. One paint job that was missing was White, and while the Stan Smith special edition was something similar, finally we’ll get a plain variant.

White Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro case White Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro case White Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro case
White Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro case

The images were shared by tipster Roland Quandt and show the White Buds Pro will also have white rubber tips, a matte white touchpad, a white charging case and Samsung writing in silver on the lid of the case.

White Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro White Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro
White Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro

We expect the internals to remain the same - impressive active noise canceling with several steps of noise suppression, a 472 mAh battery in the case (and 61 mAh in each bud) with wired or wireless charging. The original price of the Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro is around $200, and we expect the White version to cost the same.
