The Nokia 7.2 unveiled earlier this month at IFA 2019 has made its way to India. The smartphone's priced at INR18,599 ($260/€235) for the 4GB/64GB variant and you will have to shell out INR1,000 ($15/€12) more for if you want 6GB RAM.

The Nokia 7.2 comes in Charcoal and Cyan Green colors and will go on sale in India starting September 23 through Nokia India's official site, Flipkart, as well as offline retail stores across the country.

Nokia 7.2 in Charcoal color Nokia 7.2 in Cyan Green color
Nokia 7.2 in Charcoal and Cyan Green colors

The Nokia 7.2 is powered by a Snapdragon 660 SoC and runs Android Pie out of the box. It has a 48MP camera at the back which is joined by an 8MP ultra-wide and 5MP depth sensor modules.

You can head over here to read our hands-on review of the Nokia 7.2 to learn more about it, or watch the video attached below.