LG G7 ThinQ debuted at the beginning of May but had to wait three months until it makes its way to India. The waiting is nearly over after Flipkart listed the device as an exclusive to the retailer with the hashtag #OnlyOnFlipkart. While we have a confirmation of the phone’s arrival, there is no info on pricing or availability yet.
Flipkart teases all the neat features LG implemented with the G7 ThinQ on its page. The phone comes with 6.1” FullVision display and QHD+ resolution on the front and a dual-camera setup on the back. While RAM is 4 GB and storage is 64 GB, there is also LG G7+ ThinQ variant with 6GB RAM and 128 GB storage, but we are yet to see which version will be offered in India
The price of the LG G7 ThinQ in India is yet to be revealed, but the phone is already available in the UK for £630. This is equal to INR56,000, but we think it might be closer to the CNY4,888 price tag in China, or about INR49,000.
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