If you are into web browsing on your mobile phone you will certainly appreciate this. The world's most popular search engine Google has introduced some advanced search options to its mobile version, bringing it another step closer to its desktop counterpart.
Those search options allow the users to choose the time frame for the search results, perform dedicated forum and review searches, and decide on the amount of images to be displayed. The options are surely not as many as those in the desktop version but it's still a pretty good start.
Filtering your Google mobile search results
As of now the search options are only available on smartphones, running on the Android OS and WebOS and the Apple iPhone. Windows Mobile, BlackBerry OS and Symbian support is not too far away though.
Meanwhile, the Google dev team has another update coming up to its beloved Android. The lucky fellas who have been able to get their 1.6 Donut upgrade will be able to enjoy the services of the so-called "Quick Search Box" (QSB). In its essence it combines a phone search tool with a google search box to even outweigh what Spotlight search on the iPhone has.
The Android QSB provides one single search box to let you search content on your phone, including apps, contacts, and browser history, as well as content from the web, like personalized search suggestions, local business listings, stock quotes, weather, and flight status, all without opening the browser.
Putting the Quick search box to use
What's even better is that the revamped QSB uses your search history to optimize the search results (by moving the items you use the most higher on the suggestions list).
The microphone icon next to the search box can be used for quick initiation of voice searches and voice dialing. Currently there's only support for English commands and search queries but that might as well change in the future.