Popular messaging app Telegram has introduced an update to its bots platform, called Bots 2.0. With this, developers can create more creative bots and users have more functionality at their fingertips.
To demonstrate this, Telegram has some new bots. There is the @music bot, which lets you pull up free to share classical music and paste it within the app. The track keeps playing outside of that particular chat and even if you minimize the app. There is also a @youtube bot that lets you search and post YouTube videos. You can connect the bot to your YouTube account for more options. The @sticker bot lets you type an emoji and shows matching stickers, even stickers you don't have installed. The bots even have their own inline keyboard and actions so you have to type fewer keywords while interacting with them.
Bots also have access to more permissions. The @foursquare bot can use your location to suggest you places around you and then you can type on any item to post it in a chat with location.
Apart from the bots, the app also has some UI changes on both, iOS and Android. Apart from the refinements to the design of the chat bubbles, progress bars, buttons, colors, documents and attachment view and more, the app also now lets you play YouTube videos in a pop-up within the app itself. Adding stickers is also easier, and you just have to tap on any sticker in a chat to see the pack and send stickers from there without adding. You can also press and hold on GIF previews in the @gif bot to view them before sending.
The update is now available on iOS and Android.
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